Our Reputation
Glenn’s professionalism and collaborative outlook contributed towards creating a productive work environment…..where both designer and client were satisfied…..I found Glenn to be dependable, resourceful and always willing to find the right solution to any problem while keeping in mind the design intent of the project. I offer high recommendations for Glenn.
Milagros Regalado, Associate Designer RTKL Associates Inc.
Glenn has the ability to complete any job with efficiency and excellence. Possessing the ability to see problems before they develop, Glenn’s leadership on any job will prove invaluable. His record of preventing cost overruns is excellent and his ability to take over and regain control of failing jobs is rare….Glenn has the constancy, knowledge and selfgoverning qualities necessary for any building project. His first hand construction skills and many years of working overseas add great value to every job.
Clay Hamm, Owner CCH Design
I had no idea the complexity of the job I was asking someone to shoulder……and the very difficult building circumstances you were sure to encounter. I always enjoyed arriving on the site and seeing the way you have managed to not only hire the needed hands, but had coalesced them into a productive team……..the speeches made didn’t adequately express the gratitude I had for your expertise and creative solutions to the natural challenges of the environment and the character you proved by your financial integrity. All that, while managing the funds and keeping the project in budget and keeping an incredible attitude! Glenn, thank you for a job extremely well done! It would be a pleasure to work with you again!
Joel Watson, M.Ed. Missionary To Madagascar